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passwordreset-emailsent (Talk)A reminder e-mail has been sent.
passwordreset-emailtext-ip (Talk)Someone (probably you, from IP address $1) requested a reminder of your account details for {{SITENAME}} ($4). The following user {{PLURAL:$3|account is|accounts are}} associated with this e-mail address: $2 {{PLURAL:$3|This temporary password|These temporary passwords}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|one day|$5 days}}. You should log in and choose a new password now. If someone else made this request, or if you have remembered your original password, and you no longer wish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old password.
passwordreset-emailtext-user (Talk)User $1 on {{SITENAME}} requested a reminder of your account details for {{SITENAME}} ($4). The following user {{PLURAL:$3|account is|accounts are}} associated with this e-mail address: $2 {{PLURAL:$3|This temporary password|These temporary passwords}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|one day|$5 days}}. You should log in and choose a new password now. If someone else made this request, or if you have remembered your original password, and you no longer wish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old password.
passwordreset-emailtitle (Talk)Account details on {{SITENAME}}
passwordreset-legend (Talk)Reset password
passwordreset-pretext (Talk){{PLURAL:$1||Enter one of the pieces of data below}}
passwordreset-text (Talk)Complete this form to receive an e-mail reminder of your account details.
passwordreset-username (Talk)Username:
passwordsent (Talk)A new password has been sent to the e-mail address registered for "$1". Please log in again after you receive it.
passwordtooshort (Talk)Passwords must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}}.
patrol-log-auto (Talk)(automatic)
patrol-log-diff (Talk)revision $1
patrol-log-header (Talk)This is a log of patrolled revisions.
patrol-log-line (Talk)marked $1 of $2 patrolled $3
patrol-log-page (Talk)Patrol log
pear-mail-error (Talk)$1
percent (Talk)$1%
perfcached (Talk)The following data is cached and may not be up to date.
perfcachedts (Talk)The following data is cached, and was last updated $1.
permissionserrors (Talk)Permissions errors
permissionserrorstext (Talk)You do not have permission to do that, for the following {{PLURAL:$1|reason|reasons}}:
permissionserrorstext-withaction (Talk)You do not have permission to $2, for the following {{PLURAL:$1|reason|reasons}}:
personaltools (Talk)Personal tools
php-mail-error (Talk)$1
php-mail-error-unknown (Talk)Unknown error in PHP's mail() function.
php-uploaddisabledtext (Talk)File uploads are disabled in PHP. Please check the file_uploads setting.
pipe-separator (Talk) |
policy-url (Talk)Project:Policy
pool-errorunknown (Talk)Unknown error
pool-queuefull (Talk)Pool queue is full
pool-timeout (Talk)Timeout waiting for the lock
popularpages (Talk)Popular pages
popularpages-summary (Talk) 
portal (Talk)Community portal
portal-url (Talk)Project:Community portal
post-expand-template-argument-category (Talk)Pages containing omitted template arguments
post-expand-template-argument-warning (Talk)'''Warning:''' This page contains at least one template argument which has a too large expansion size. These arguments have been omitted.
post-expand-template-inclusion-category (Talk)Pages where template include size is exceeded
post-expand-template-inclusion-warning (Talk)'''Warning:''' Template include size is too large. Some templates will not be included.
postcomment (Talk)New section
powersearch (Talk)Advanced search
powersearch-field (Talk)Search for
powersearch-legend (Talk)Advanced search
powersearch-ns (Talk)Search in namespaces:
powersearch-redir (Talk)List redirects
powersearch-toggleall (Talk)All
powersearch-togglelabel (Talk)Check:
powersearch-togglenone (Talk)None
preferences (Talk)Preferences
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