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preferences-summary (Talk) 
prefixindex (Talk)All pages with prefix
prefixindex-summary (Talk) 
prefs-advancedediting (Talk)Advanced options
prefs-advancedrc (Talk)Advanced options
prefs-advancedrendering (Talk)Advanced options
prefs-advancedsearchoptions (Talk)Advanced options
prefs-advancedwatchlist (Talk)Advanced options
prefs-beta (Talk)Beta features
prefs-common-css-js (Talk)Shared CSS/JavaScript for all skins:
prefs-custom-css (Talk)Custom CSS
prefs-custom-js (Talk)Custom JavaScript
prefs-dateformat (Talk)Date format
prefs-datetime (Talk)Date and time
prefs-diffs (Talk)Diffs
prefs-displayrc (Talk)Display options
prefs-displaysearchoptions (Talk)Display options
prefs-displaywatchlist (Talk)Display options
prefs-edit-boxsize (Talk)Size of the edit window.
prefs-editing (Talk)Editing
prefs-edits (Talk)Number of edits:
prefs-email (Talk)E-mail options
prefs-emailconfirm-label (Talk)E-mail confirmation:
prefs-files (Talk)Files
prefs-help-email (Talk)E-mail address is optional, but is needed for password resets, should you forget your password.
prefs-help-email-others (Talk)You can also choose to let others contact you by e-mail through a link on your user or talk page. Your e-mail address is not revealed when other users contact you.
prefs-help-email-required (Talk)E-mail address is required.
prefs-help-gender (Talk)Optional: Used for gender-correct addressing by the software. This information will be public.
prefs-help-realname (Talk)Real name is optional. If you choose to provide it, this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.
prefs-help-recentchangescount (Talk)This includes recent changes, page histories, and logs.
prefs-help-signature (Talk)Comments on talk pages should be signed with "<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>" which will be converted into your signature and a timestamp.
prefs-help-watchlist-token (Talk)Filling in this field with a secret key will generate an RSS feed for your watchlist. Anyone who knows the key in this field will be able to read your watchlist, so choose a secure value. Here's a randomly-generated value you can use: $1
prefs-i18n (Talk)Internationalisation
prefs-info (Talk)Basic information
prefs-labs (Talk)Labs features
prefs-memberingroups (Talk)Member of {{PLURAL:$1|group|groups}}:
prefs-memberingroups-type (Talk)$1
prefs-misc (Talk)Misc
prefs-namespaces (Talk)Namespaces
prefs-personal (Talk)User profile
prefs-rc (Talk)Recent changes
prefs-registration (Talk)Registration time:
prefs-registration-date-time (Talk)$1
prefs-rendering (Talk)Appearance
prefs-reset-intro (Talk)You can use this page to reset your preferences to the site defaults. This cannot be undone.
prefs-resetpass (Talk)Change password
prefs-searchoptions (Talk)Search options
prefs-signature (Talk)Signature
prefs-skin (Talk)Skin
prefs-textboxsize (Talk)Size of editing window
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