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protect-unchain-permissions (Talk)Unlock further protect options
protect_change (Talk)change
protect_expiry_invalid (Talk)Expiry time is invalid.
protect_expiry_old (Talk)Expiry time is in the past.
protectcomment (Talk)Reason:
protectedarticle (Talk)protected "[[$1]]"
protectedinterface (Talk)This page provides interface text for the software, and is protected to prevent abuse.
protectedpage (Talk)Protected page
protectedpagemovewarning (Talk)'''Warning:''' This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can move it. The latest log entry is provided below for reference:
protectedpages (Talk)Protected pages
protectedpages-cascade (Talk)Cascading protections only
protectedpages-indef (Talk)Indefinite protections only
protectedpages-summary (Talk) 
protectedpagesempty (Talk)No pages are currently protected with these parameters.
protectedpagestext (Talk)The following pages are protected from moving or editing
protectedpagetext (Talk)This page has been protected to prevent editing.
protectedpagewarning (Talk)'''Warning: This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it.''' The latest log entry is provided below for reference:
protectedtitles (Talk)Protected titles
protectedtitles-summary (Talk) 
protectedtitlesempty (Talk)No titles are currently protected with these parameters.
protectedtitlestext (Talk)The following titles are protected from creation
protectexpiry (Talk)Expires:
protectlogpage (Talk)Protection log
protectlogtext (Talk)Below is a list of changes to page protections. See the [[Special:ProtectedPages|protected pages list]] for the list of currently operational page protections.
protectthispage (Talk)Protect this page
proxyblocker (Talk)Proxy blocker
proxyblocker-disabled (Talk)This function is disabled.
proxyblockreason (Talk)Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or technical support of your organization and inform them of this serious security problem.
proxyblocksuccess (Talk)Done.
pubmedurl (Talk)//$1?dopt=Abstract
qbbrowse (Talk)Browse
qbedit (Talk)Edit
qbfind (Talk)Find
qbmyoptions (Talk)My pages
qbpageinfo (Talk)Context
qbpageoptions (Talk)This page
qbsettings (Talk)Quickbar
qbsettings-directionality (Talk)Fixed, depending on the script directionality of your language
qbsettings-fixedleft (Talk)Fixed left
qbsettings-fixedright (Talk)Fixed right
qbsettings-floatingleft (Talk)Floating left
qbsettings-floatingright (Talk)Floating right
qbsettings-none (Talk)None
qbspecialpages (Talk)Special pages
querypage-disabled (Talk)This special page is disabled for performance reasons.
querypage-no-updates (Talk)Updates for this page are currently disabled. Data here will not presently be refreshed.
randompage (Talk)Random page
randompage-nopages (Talk)There are no pages in the following {{PLURAL:$2|namespace|namespaces}}: $1.
randompage-url (Talk)Special:Random
randomredirect (Talk)Random redirect
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